# CHIP ESP32 Bridge App Example Please [setup ESP-IDF and CHIP Environment](../../../guides/esp32/setup_idf_chip.md) and refer [building and commissioning](../../../guides/esp32/build_app_and_commission.md) guides to get started. --- - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Dynamic Endpoints](#dynamic-endpoints) - [Cluster control](#cluster-control) --- ## Introduction A prototype application that demonstrates dynamic endpoint with device commissioning and cluster control. It adds the non-chip device as endpoints on a bridge(Matter device). In this example four light devices supporting on-off cluster have been added as endpoints 1. Light1 at endpoint 3 2. Light2 at endpoint 7 3. Light3 at endpoint 5 4. Light4 at endpoint 6 ## Dynamic Endpoints The Bridge Example makes use of Dynamic Endpoints. Current SDK support is limited for dynamic endpoints, since endpoints are typically defined (along with the clusters and attributes they contain) in a .zap file which then generates code and static structures to define the endpoints. To support endpoints that are not statically defined, the ZCL attribute storage mechanisms will hold additional endpoint information for `NUM_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINTS` additional endpoints. These additional endpoint structures must be defined by the application and can change at runtime. To facilitate the creation of these endpoint structures, several macros are defined: `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_BEGIN(attrListName)` `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE(attId, attType, attSizeBytes, attrMask)` `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_END(clusterRevision)` - These three macros are used to declare a list of attributes for use within a cluster. The declaration must begin with the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_BEGIN` macro which will define the name of the allocated attribute structure. Each attribute is then added by the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE` macro. Finally, `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_END` macro should be used to close the definition. - All attributes defined with these macros will be configured as `ATTRIBUTE_MASK_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` in the ZCL database and therefore will rely on the application to maintain storage for the attribute. Consequently, reads or writes to these attributes must be handled within the application by the `emberAfExternalAttributeWriteCallback` and `emberAfExternalAttributeReadCallback` functions. See the bridge application's `main.cpp` for an example of this implementation. `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER_LIST_BEGIN(clusterListName)` `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER(clusterId, clusterAttrs, incomingCommands, outgoingCommands)` `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER_LIST_END` - These three macros are used to declare a list of clusters for use within a endpoint. The declaration must begin with the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER_LIST_BEGIN` macro which will define the name of the allocated cluster structure. Each cluster is then added by the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER` macro referencing attribute list previously defined by the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTE...` macros and the lists of incoming/outgoing commands terminated by kInvalidCommandId (or nullptr if there aren't any commands in the list). Finally, `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER_LIST_END` macro should be used to close the definition. `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT(endpointName, clusterList)` - This macro is used to declare an endpoint and its associated cluster list, which must be previously defined by the `DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLUSTER...` macros. ### Cluster control #### onoff To use the Client to send Matter commands, run the built executable and pass it the target cluster name, the target command name as well as an endpoint id. ``` $ ./out/debug/chip-tool onoff on ``` The client will send a single command packet and then exit.