# Matter Shell - OpenThread CLI pass-through The Matter Shell CLI can execute pass-through commands to the [OpenThread CLI](https://github.com/openthread/openthread/blob/master/src/cli/README.md) directly. ## Setup ### Embedded On embedded platforms, the otcli commands are available simply when OpenThread support is enabled. ### Linux On embedded Linux platforms, otcli commands require installation of some OpenThread daemons: ``` # Start Border Router agent sudo /usr/local/sbin/otbr-agent -d6 -v -I wpan0 spinel+hdlc+forkpty:///usr/local/bin/ot-rcp\?forkpty-arg=5 ``` If this command is not available, the follow instructions will build and install it: ``` # Build OpenThread Interface (simulation used as example -- alternatively could be RCP hardware) cd third_party/openthread/repo ./script/bootstrap mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DOT_PLATFORM=simulation -GNinja ninja -j8 && sudo ninja install # Build Border Router functionality cd third_party/ot-br-posix/repo ./script/bootstrap mkdir build && cd build cmake .. -DOTBR_DBUS=ON -GNinja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local - ninja -j8 && sudo ninja install # Start Border Router agent sudo /usr/local/sbin/otbr-agent -d6 -v -I wpan0 spinel+hdlc+forkpty:///usr/local/bin/ot-rcp\?forkpty-arg=5 # In a new shell, at top-level of CHIP repo, test Thread device layer is operational git submodule update --init source scripts/activate.sh gn gen out/default ninja -C out/default src/platform/tests:TestThreadStackMgr_run ```